Last week, on Friday, I was part of a team working on what our Resource Development (aka grants) department calls Compression Planning. It's a nifty little method for putting together successful grants in a relatively short time and like many planning processes, it involves generating ideas and using an affinity process, and we love to put sticky dots on post-its to identify priorities (just the way everyone spends a Friday, right?). I admit up front, I'm not awesome in planning meetings that move fast (I like to think my ideas are deep, but maybe they are just basic, or maybe I'm just old and grumpy:)), but I have been in numerous meetings like this over the years, and it is remarkable how often my dots go on post-it's no one else chooses. I was trying hard to stay open-minded during the discussion Friday, but I'm struggling with discussions of "systems change vs band aids", and incremental processes. I even caught myself creating a "Triangle of Poverty Informed Practice" that might have been cool and borrowed liberally from Bloom's Domains of Learning, but I just kept coming back to how much does any of it matter when people can't get enough to eat or a secure place to sleep?

amateur screen shot photo), and it stopped me in my tracks. Half our students who are failing are food and/or housing insecure...Half! I think it would be hard to find anything else that 50% of our failing students have in common. To me it screams for action, not deliberation. It kind of renders irrelevant the idea of whether we address systemic issues or individuals first, the answer is obviously neither can wait! I've often heard Dr. Goldrick-Rab say we can't food pantry our way out of this issue, but she acknowledges a pantry is a start. The danger is if we think we are done and pat ourselves on the back... I'll note it again, 50% of failing students are struggling with housing and/or food. By the way that number isn't much different for our students overall.
I want to leave with another story that happened Friday. A student I met while doing some connecting with the homeless community near campus, reached out to me through another student to ask for help. He has cancer... he's afraid to go to the doctor alone and the people he thought of going with him were me or my Associate Dean because he doesn't really have other support. I'm calling him tomorrow to make the appointment, and we will go together. So in one day, I saw the macro and micro of what we are doing. It all matters but if we don't start with first things first, we will not succeed, and we must succeed.
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